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LEBENDIGEschauFLenster: Day 1

The first day and premier act of the series in collaboration with Iliev Ballett Theater.  This performance together with Alexandra Pascu of the Ballettschule Flensburg and Kara Kuckoo in the window of Gallerie Kruse on the Rotestr. in Flensburg.  

This series of performances thanks to Flensburg Startet Durch. 

LEBENDIGEschauFLenster Day 2

The second  performance of installation acts in collaboration with Iliev Ballett Theater.  This concert in collaboration with Nora - OneMillionSteps and Sebastian Gimm.  

Mural art and bodypainting by Kara Kuckoo in Flensburg at NORDER147

LebendigeSchauFLenster - Day 2 Finale - Blacklight Theater

The final performance of LebendigeSchauFLenster was a collaboration between ballet, improv dance, bodypaint art, blacklight theater and orchestrated to a mix of electronic and acoustic music. 

Dance: Alexandra Pascu

Music: Nicky Bendix

Blacklight theater & bodypaint: Kara Kuckoo



This is the first video in a series of multi media art and music projects created by Kara Kuckoo.  

Body painting, music and video by Kara Kuckoo

Check out more on YouTube/KaraKuckoo

The Female Answer

The Female Answer Residency Day 1:

Boxed In - Distorted Forms of Females in the United States.

Bodypainting installation with plexiglass structure and painted model representing the impossible standards women are expected to fit into and the internal discomfort that results in trying to constantly fit into this impossible form.


The Female Answer - Day 2

Day 2 of The Female Answer focused on body issues and challenges that women face in society today, especially focusing on the trends in the United States to alter one's face and body to fit in with what is considered beautiful.

Unfortunately, YouTube has age restricted this video despite there being no nudity in the video.  However, if you want to watch you will have to be logged into YouTube. 

World Bodypainting Festival 2018 
Installation Art Awards

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